
Registering an object method as callback

By seb december 18,2021.

This week, we are going to talk about programming. Support has recently received an interesting question: "how can you register an object method as an arrival callback". Our API documentation talks only about callback functions but, as we are going to see, most programming languages allow you to register object methods.

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Using Electron in TypeScript, the way we like it

By mvuilleu, in Programming, december 10,2021.

People like the TypeScript language as much to create web interfaces as to write Node.js software which work as a service, with complete access to the machine resources. You can also write traditional applications in TypeScript, that is applications which combine a graphical interface and access to all the resources of the machine, for example to access a database or files. We are going to explore this scenario and see how to access Yoctopuce modules in such a scenario.

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(Physically) switching the audio outputs of a computer

By martinm, in DIY, december 03,2021.

If you use your Windows computer to listen to music while you are working and if, depending on the circumstances, you listen to this music with a Bluetooth headset or external speakers, you might have noticed that switching from one mode to the other is somewhat tedious. One must possibly unlock the screen saver, then open the sound interface and select the output device in a drop-down list. Why not build a physical interface which would be easier to use?

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Updating the Yocto-Toolbox app (1.0.23)

By seb, in Android, november 30,2021.

We carry on with our series of posts on the Yocto-Toolbox Android application. This week, we added firmware update and the consultation of module logs.

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GSM power usage for sensor monitoring

By mvuilleu, in Measures, Electronics and Internet of Things, november 20,2021.

When you must design a system that sends back measures through a GSM connection, there are two physical quantities that you want to estimate: que quantity of transferred data and the power consumption. We already had the opportunity to provide orders of magnitude for data consumption in a previous post, but we are going to see today how much power is needed to send back data periodically through a 3G or 4G GSM connection.

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