
Experiment with USB power supplies

By martinm, in Reviews, october 22,2021.

YoctoHubs make it very easy to create DIY projects that are remotely controlled by a server. All you have to do is to provide a network connection and a power supply, a simple USB charger can do the trick. We recently asked ourselves the following question: all USB chargers are probably not equivalent in terms of efficiency, but up to what point?

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Updating the Yocto-Toolbox app (1.0.17)

By seb, in Android, october 18,2021.

A few weeks ago, we promised you more regular updates of the Yocto-Toolbox Adroid application. A promise made, a promise kept. Despite the move of Yoctopuce into new premises, we managed to add a few new features such as the possibility to configure YoctoHub network parameters directly from this application.

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We are moving!

By mvuilleu, in Misc, october 07,2021.

This week is quite special for the Yoctopuce team. After 10 years spent in the garage where Yoctopuce was founded, we finally took the plunge and moved to new premises, a little more roomy...

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Connecting several Yoctopuce modules at the same time

By martinm, in For the beginners, october 01,2021.

There is a beginner's question which comes back to support from time to time: can you use several Yoctopuce modules, identical or not, on the same machine? The answer is obviously yes. It was even a requirement that figured prominently when we imagined the general design of Yoctopuce products ten years ago. This being said, we could develop our answer some more...

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Updating the Yocto-Toolbox app

By seb, in Android, september 28,2021.

This week, we are going to talk about our Yocto-Toolbox application. We added the possibility to configure YoctoHubs directly from this Android application.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.