
Building a photo booth

By seb, in DIY, july 23,2021.

We recently put together a photo booth for a family party and thought others might be interested. We are therefore going to see how to build a photo booth with a Raspberry Pi, a Canon Selphi photo printer, two lights, and a Yocto-PowerRelay-V3.

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Triggering a camera using a Yocto-RangeFinder

By mvuilleu, in DIY, july 16,2021.

Yoctopuce devices are well suited to quickly setup small custom automation solutions. This week, we had one more occasion of verifying this, as we were updating our component inventory system to improve its capabilities.

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Interfacing the GY-US42V2 sonar

By martinm, in Reviews and Measures, july 09,2021.

At Yoctopuce, we like to buy random sensors, just to check if we can make them work with Yoctopuce hardware. This week we chose the GY-US42V2 sold by and referenced as a "SRF02".

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Migrating from JCenter to mavenCentral

By seb july 04,2021.

At the beginning of the year, JFrog announced that they were going to close the JCenter repository on which our programming library was hosted, along with many others. We therefore decided to publish our Android programming library on Maven Central Repository, more commonly called mavenCentral. If you used our library with JCenter, the aim of this post is to help you to migrate your projects to the mavenCentral repository.

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How many USB sensors can you connect in 2021?

By mvuilleu, in Reviews, june 25,2021.

Five years after our first series of tests on the maximum number of USB sensors that we could use on a machine and on the efficiency of the different types of hubs to manage this type of traffic, we offer you a new series of tests to know whether the situation has evolved since 2016...

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.