
A Christmas tree driven by Winamp

By martinm, in Programming, december 22,2011.

Let's be honest, last week post about USB Christmas tree was a bit lame. It was fun to blink all these color leds, but that was a lot of Yocto-Color devices to connect for a result very similar to a $10 ornament you would buy from the nearest hardware store. So we decided to improve the concept.

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Driving RGB leds using Objective-C

By Sébastien Rinsoz, in Programming, december 18,2011.

This week, we will present something that will be published shortly: the high-level API for Objective-C. The most insightful readers may have already picked up some hints about it. For now, this is only a Mac OS X version, but IOS support will follow after, don't worry.

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Josephine, the USB coffee machine (part II)

By martinm, in DIY, december 09,2011.

Do you remember Joséphine, our USB coffee machine? We noticed it was almost always doing an automatic shutdown right when we wanted a coffee. So we have decided to make an upgrade: in addition to remote controlling the coffee function, we will be able to remotely power it on or off, and to choose between a large and a small coffee. All this will be done with forty lines of code, including the user interface.

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Lets evaluate the situation

By martinm, in Misc, december 02,2011.

Yoctopuce company started 8 eight months ago, and the online shop is still closed. You may be wondering what we are doing. Well, to make it simple: we are almost there. Organizing and building all this stuff just took twice the time that we expected. More details after the break.

Update (dec 13): Here we are, the shop is now open !

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A USB weather measurement station

By mvuilleu, in DIY, november 25,2011.

This week we will illustrate the use of PHP with our USB sensors on a very classical example: recording weather parameters (temperature and humidity). Nothing really special, but this very basic example demonstrates the advantage of easily accessing USB modules from a language like PHP. Thanks to the numerous libraries and ease of use of the language, real-world application can be built real fast.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.