Updating the Yocto-Toolbox app (1.0.23)

Updating the Yocto-Toolbox app (1.0.23)

We carry on with our series of posts on the Yocto-Toolbox Android application. This week, we added firmware update and the consultation of module logs.

This first small change is cosmetic. The state of the module beacon led is displayed in the list of YoctoHubs and modules. When the beacon is on, the icon bears a little blue pulsing dot.

The state of the beacon led is displayed in the module list
The state of the beacon led is displayed in the module list

On the module page, we added two features which you can access through the menu: logs and firmware update.


You can now consult the module logs. The logs are automatically refreshed and you can easily export them with the share button.

You can now consult the YoctoHub module logs
You can now consult the YoctoHub module logs

Firmware update

The second new feature is firmware update. On top of the firmware version, the application displays a "New firmware available" message if a more recent firmware is available.

A message is displayed if a new firmware is available
A message is displayed if a new firmware is available

From the menu, you can easily get to the firmware update page.

The firmware update page
The firmware update page

If you click on "Start update", the application starts updating the module firmware with the latest version available on the Yoctopuce web site.

Be aware that during firmware update the module must restart several times. If you update the firmware of a module connected by USB, Android is going to interpret the reboot of a USB device as a disconnection and reconnection of this USB device, and it will ask authorisation to use the USB port again. You must imperatively click on OK for the update process to end correctly.

And what's next

We keep on adding missing features to the Yocto-Toolbox application. In the coming months, we'll add the missing features which are present in the VirtualHub, such as

  • network parameters for the YoctoHubs
  • firmware updates directly from the application
  • access to module logs
  • YoctoHub HTTP callback parameters
  • YoctoHub file management

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