
YoctoHubs and Discovery

By martinm, in Programming, february 25,2022.

You may have guessed it because you have already used Yocto-Discovery, but if your application uses network hubs, it doesn't necessarily need to know their IP address to establish communication with them. It can also try to discover them by itself: the YoctoHub-Ethernet and YoctoHub-Wireless implement the SSDP protocol (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) which makes possible to discover devices present on a local network.

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How to start with Yoctopuce modules on Android in 2022

By seb, in Android and For the beginners, february 20,2022.

This week we are updating our Android tutorial. With the various Android updates, and more particularly of the SDK, some things were no longer up to date. Like the last time, we are going to write a small application that displays the value of a temperature sensor connected by USB.

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Using inertial sensors in a vehicle

By mvuilleu, in Measures and Misc, february 11,2022.

MEMS inertial sensors used in products such as the Yocto-Inclinometer or the Yocto-3D-V2 can determine their orientation with regards to terrestrial gravity, like an electronic spirit level. It is tempting to use them to measure the orientation of moving objects, such as vehicles, but it's not as easy as we might hope. Here are some explanations on the difficulties one might expect, as a reminder of your kinematic physics courses...

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Structure of a Yoctopuce application

By martinm, in For the beginners and Programming, february 04,2022.

This week's post is dedicated to beginners who have just received their first Yoctopuce module and who wonder about the kind of code they are going to need to write to make it work. So we are going to talk about the general structure of an application using Yoctopuce modules.

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Ventilating a room depending on the CO2 rate

By seb, in Internet of Things, january 28,2022.

This week, we are going to talk about a popular topic these days: the ventilation of a work room. CO2 being a good indicator of air "pollution", we are going to see how to automate the opening of motorized Velux skylight windows depending on the CO2 rate inside a room.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.