
Using Yoctopuce sensors with Prometheus and Grafana

By mvuilleu, in Measures, january 21,2022.

A few years ago, we showed you how to integrate Yoctopuce sensors in a Grafana dashboard used with InfluxDB, which was a very common solution at the time. In the mean time, GrafanaLabs has set its sights on another time-series database, Prometheus, which offer many more possibilities to extract data than InfluxDB. We have therefore added to our modules the possibility to provide their data in a format directly recognized by Prometheus.

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Inner workings of Yoctopuce sensors

By martinm, in For the beginners, january 14,2022.

When Yoctopuce talks with customers, we realize that there are sometimes misunderstandings about the inner workings of Yoctopuce sensors. These misunderstandings may lead to suboptimal use of the said sensors. Therefore, this week we are going to clarify some points.

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Installing the C++ library with CMake

By seb january 07,2022.

This week, we are going to show you how to compile our C++ programming library under Linux and to install it as a system library. This installation is very simple thanks to cmake.

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A canary to detect network intruders

By mvuilleu, in Misc, december 31,2021.

Every now and then, security experts discover new vulnerabilities that affect the security of many computer systems. The month of December 2021 was the occasion of a good example, with the flaw in the log4j library which allows the remote execution of arbitrary code on vulnerable systems. Noting that it seems impossible to definitively guard against this type of problem, we wondered whether the Yoctopuce modules could help detect intrusions before it is too late...

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Driving a motorized potentiometer

By martinm, in DIY and Programming, december 23,2021.

When designing our audio output switch, we thought about using a motorized potentiometer for the volume. The idea was quickly dismissed because this would have added bulkiness and complexity into a project that we wanted simple and compact. However, the question remains: can we use a motorized potentiometer with Yoctopuce modules? We tried it and the answer is yes, although it's quite tricky to do.

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