Summer will be back in a week, and with it comes the sausage season! Obviously, geeks won't barbecue in the sun, everybody knows that the sun provokes cancers and it's dangerous for your health. So, how can you cook a hot dog sausage at the office, without putting fire to it, and without any other equipment than the few Yocto-modules lying about? Ideally, we'd like to monitor the cooking by USB, if it isn't too much to ask...
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As you know, we already provide an Objective-C API which allows you to access our modules from a Mac. There are other devices which use Objective-C: the iPhones, iPads, and iPods. If, currently, it is not possible to directly plug in a Yoctopuce module on an IOS device, it is quite possible to interact with our modules through the network (WiFi or cabled). What would you think of monitoring all your Yoctopuce modules, comfortably lounging in your couch, with an iPad?
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It may happen that, one day, for a given application, you must do without our high level programming libraries. For example because you must drive the modules in a language we do not support (yet), or because you don't want to bother about object programming. It's quite possible, and here are the keys to success.
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In most of the examples of use for our modules which are published in this blog, a USB connection with a computer is required. It's logical for USB modules, but it's constraining. Laptops, even if they are small, take up some space. And it's difficult to devote a computer for each do-it-yourself idea that goes through our heads. Let's have a look at alternatives that exist or could exist...
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Some time ago, we started to sell the RaspBox, an acrylic glass enclosure for Raspberry PI, these little computers worth $25 of the size of a credit card. This enclosure was sold at a very small price (CHF 8.50). But here we are, we are going to have to raise its price (a lot), and we thought that we should at least tell you why.
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