
Soldering tutorial

By martinm, in Electronics, april 06,2012.

Almost all of the Yoctopuce products are conceived so that you can use them without needing a soldering iron. Nevertheless, they are also designed for you to connect them together in a very compact way and there, a soldering iron is necessary because there are contacts to solder. This is the case, for instance, when you want to connect modules to a Micro-USB-Hub. We realized that a large number of our clients didn't feel at ease with a soldering iron. We therefore decided to offer you a short tutorial.

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The Yocto-Demo Effect

By martinm, in Misc, march 29,2012.

You have perhaps noticed that, for some time already, it hasn't been possible to order the Yocto-Demo anymore. The Yocto-Demo was conceived as a marketing experiment designed to discover potential customers and to allow them to discover us. We thought that you'd be interested in knowing the first results of this experiment.

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C# Weather Station with Datalogger

By Sébastien Rinsoz, in Programming, march 26,2012.

A while ago, we created a weather station in PHP based on a Yocto-Humidity module. Today, we have a new version in C# which improves the concept by exploiting the data logger integrated into the Yocto-Meteo, a module which is an improved version of the product used for the previous article.

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Connecting that which cannot be connected

By mvuilleu, in Measures, march 16,2012.

Don't you have at home one or two appliances that you just wish you could keep an eye on remotely? Cheer up! We are presenting today a simple, economical, and efficient way to solve this issue. For about 30 EUR, you will finally be able to take these appliances out of the dark...

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A DIY joystick for HTML5

By mvuilleu, in DIY, march 08,2012.

Some time ago, we published a speed test of our API. However, as a concrete example is sometimes more useful than numbers, we are proposing you today a small game written in Javascript (HTML5), which you can play with the keyboard or with a USB game pad based on a Yocto-Knob.

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1 ... 10 ... 20 ... 30 ... 40 ... 50 ... 60 ... 70 ... 80 ... 90 ... 100 ... 110 ... 120 ... 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141

Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.