
How to calibrate the Yocto-CO2-V2

By mvuilleu, in Measures, march 12,2021.

Several customers recently asked us whether it was possible and/or necessary to periodically caliber the Yocto-CO2-V2 to ensure measure accuracy. For the most common applications, it's not indispensable, but for some applications it can become necessary, and therefore it's possible. Let's see that in details...

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10 years!

By martinm, in Misc, march 05,2021.

Yoctopuce was created 10 years ago this month. So, this week, we offer you some thoughts on these 10 years that have gone by at a frantic pace.

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VirtualHub improvements for Linux

By seb, in New stuff, february 26,2021.

Linux is an OS which is widely used in the IoT. Unfortunately for the users discovering this OS, it can be quite confusing. For example, by default, Linux blocks write access to the USB devices for "non-root" users. It isn't really easy to configure an application so that it starts at boot time. This week, we are going to see two small improvements which are going to make the life of Linux users easier.

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Driving the DPS5005 power supply with the Yoctopuce API

By martinm, in DIY, february 19,2021.

For our own purposes, we had to make a small do-it-yourself device that would allow us to change on demand the voltage on a USB cable. Given the success that our DIY based on the Ruideng RD6006 power supply gets on a daily basis, we thought that we could also give this opportunity to its little sister, the DPS5005 power supply.

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Installing a TypeScript application on a YoctoHub

By mvuilleu, in Programming and Internet of Things, february 12,2021.

The TypeScript language is a great improvement on JavaScript, as it allows for error detection during compilation rather than during run time. But if it's quite easy to integrate with Node.js, its use to write HTML interfaces without a Node.js server is not so trivial. We are therefore going to show you how to implement an HTML application in TypeScript which optimizes network transfers, so as to install it directly on a YoctoHub-Ethernet.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.