Yoctopuce sells dedicated enclosures for single and double-width modules. But you don't have to use them. This week, we share with you a few assembly tips that we use internally to quickly build module systems that are easier to handle than a tiny circuit board hanging off the end of a USB cable.
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Version 2.0 of the C++ library supports the TLS protocol and allows encrypted communication between the library and the VirtualHub 2.0. This week we have added methods to configure the TLS authentication more precisely, to manage the list of certificates recognized by the library.
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Customers sometimes ask us if it is possible to use our modules without integrating our programming library. Indeed, at first sight, the library can seem unnecessarily complex when you only want to switch a relay or read a temperature. So the answer is yes... but no. There are ways to reduce the memory footprint of our library, but not to the point of reducing everything to a few manually forged USB packets. Let's look at it in detail.
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With the energy crisis coming this winter in Europe, the order of the day is "watt hunting". A good opportunity to build a small tool that should allow us to save a few.
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Quasar is a framework written in JavaScript that promises the holy grail for developers: to make a cross platform application. Quasar is based on other well-known technologies such as npm, Vue.js, Webpack, Electron, Cordova and gathers them in a single framework. As we are curious, we wanted to test this framework with our TypeScript library.
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