
A radar for remote-controlled cars

By martinm june 24,2022.

After Yoctopuce moved into larger premises, it didn't take long for old demons to wake up in some of us. There was a time when, for some members of the team, driving like crazy with remote control cars equipped with cameras was a great way to take a break from work. It's also a very good excuse to test the RFbeam microWave GmbH K-LD7 radar :-)

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Transferring two-factor authentication SMS

By seb, in DIY, june 17,2022.

More and more sites require two-factor authentication via SMS. From a security standpoint, it's very good, but it can become bothersome if the login is shared by several people. This week, we are going to see how to receive an authentication SMS and to transfer it to several people.

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How to build a USB current clamp

By mvuilleu, in Measures, june 10,2022.

A few years ago, we demonstrated how to use a Yocto-milliVolt-Rx to measure DC current, by measuring the very low voltage at the terminals of a shunt resistor. More recently, we thought that it could be useful to extend this scenario to the measure of strong alternative currents using simple ring-shaped current transformers, like current clamps.

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Improving ModbusTool

By martinm, in Programming, june 03,2022.

Two weeks ago, we presented an improvement of the Yoctopuce API enabling you to easily observe what happens on a serial line with a callback. Obviously, we hurried to integrate this in our ModbusTool application, which is now able to display the data that go through a Modbus line.

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Driving Velux skylight windows with Yoctopuce

By seb, in DIY, may 30,2022.

A few months ago, we wrote a post explaining how to drive the opening of Velux skylight windows with a KLF 200 interface. This week, we are going to improve this system by adding a control panel to it.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.