
The SelectArchitecture method of the Python library

By seb, in Programming, april 21,2023.

Our Python library works on the three main OSes (Windows, macOS, and Linux). 99.9% of the time, everything works as expected and the library automatically detects the OS and the architecture of the machine. But under Linux, in rare cases, it is necessary to specify this last parameter manually. This is the job of the YAPI.SelectArchitecture() method.

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Yoctopuce and Home Assistant

By mvuilleu, in Measures and Internet of Things, april 14,2023.

Even if Yoctopuce devices are more often used for professional automation than for private home automation, we already had the opportunity to present you some home automation applications: a ventilation system to fight humidity, a system to optimize watering according to the weather, etc. So we decided to study the possibility of integrating the monitoring of these systems on a standard home automation console: Home Assistant.

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Controlling Yoctopuce modules with a Flic Hub LR

By martinm, in Programming, april 07,2023.

Do you remember the Flics buttons we talked about a few years ago? Well, we still use them internally. In the meantime, Shortcut Labs has released a version 2 of these buttons and their Hub. It turns out that the new model, called Flic Hub LR, can run JavaScript code written by the user and thus allows you to implement behaviors a little more complex than On/Off. Of course, we wondered if we could run the JavaScript version of the Yoctopuce API on these new Hubs.

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The new YHub class

By seb april 01,2023.

While developing an internal application that used many YoctoHubs, we realized that our API was missing a way to easily get the list of Hubs that had already been registered. In order to fill this gap, we have just now added a new YHub class.

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Customization of HTTP callbacks

By mvuilleu, in Internet of Things, march 24,2023.

Yoctopuce modules are components intended to be integrated into measure and automation systems. The most common method of integration is to add our library to the system control code, but we also offer the possibility to integrate them via HTTP callbacks to third party services. We have recently expanded the possibilities of this type of integration.

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