
Signaling network failures

By martinm, in Internet of Things and DIY, september 08,2017.

This mishap may have happened to you: comfortably lounging at home, you surf on your smart phone. Suddenly, nothing anymore: you have reached the limit of your data subscription. After a short investigation, you notice that your DSL router crashed a few days before and that, meanwhile, you used your phone GSM connection while you thought you were on the Wifi. If only you could have noticed earlier... You are lucky, this week we just happen to discuss a very easy DIY project to signal network failures as soon as possible.

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A connected level regulator

By mvuilleu, in DIY and Internet of Things, september 01,2017.

The application that we discuss this week answers an actual problem that we encountered this Summer: how to replace an old float level regulator for a swimming pool, impossible to repair, with an alternative solution which fits in the same small sealed cavity. The main aim is to avoid expensive replacement work. If at the same time we can increase our control on the pool water consumption, it's always a bonus...

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How to start with Yoctopuce modules on Android

By seb, in Android, august 25,2017.

The post of this week is dedicated to Android. We implemented Android projects a number of times already, but this week we are going to concentrate on the software part. We are going to write a short application displaying the value of a temperature sensor connected by USB.

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Yoctopuce-style light barrier

By martinm, in DIY and Internet of Things, august 18,2017.

You are probably aware of the problem: how to ensure a minimum of security when you back out of a private property in a car, without visibility. Most of the time, people simply back out really slowly and hope that no one bumps into them. But you are still at the mercy of a distracted driver. Hence the idea of a light barrier triggering a light signal to warn oncoming traffic of the danger.

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Using a Pitot probe with a Yocto-0-10V-Rx

By seb, in Measures, august 11,2017.

A few years ago, we explained how to create an anemometer, but there is another solution to measure wind speed: the Pitot tube. This week, we are going to see how to measure wind speed with a Pitot tube for scaled modelling and a Yocto-0-10V-Rx.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.