
Fancy ringtones for the Yocto-Buzzer

By mvuilleu, in Programming, april 07,2017.

The Yocto-Buzzer is a small module enabling you to provide an acoustic ack to the user, which is particularly useful when you work with a mini-computer without a soundcard or when you work remotely through the network. To ease the use of the Yocto-Buzzer, today we present a simplified method to generate short jingles.

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Multithreading and Yoctopuce libraries

By seb, in Programming, march 31,2017.

We take great care of our programming libraries, in particular of their ease of use. However, there is one spot where our libraries can be tricky: using our libraries from several threads. This week, we clarify and improve the situation.

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How to start in Python with Yoctopuce modules

By martinm, in For the beginners and Programming, march 24,2017.

This week, we explain to people using Yoctopuce modules for the first time how to manage them with a Python program through a relatively simple but realistic example. Obviously, we assume that the said people have at least some idea of Python programming, but we explain everything else in details.

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New ! The Yocto-RangeFinder

By mvuilleu, in New stuff and Measures, march 17,2017.

We are adding today a new product to our family of position sensors: the Yocto-RangeFinder. It is a kind of intermediate between the low-cost Yocto-Proximity and a precise but expensive laser rangefinder. So let's see how much you can expect from this new piece of hardware...

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Neopixel, Android TV and mood lights

By seb, in Android, march 10,2017.

This week, we decided to create an Android TV application which displays pictures and adjusts the room lighting depending on the displayed picture. This application isn't designed to compete with Philips' Ambilight, but simply change the hue of the room lighting depending on the dominant color of the picture, to create a "cosy" atmosphere.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.