
How to detect leaks in an irrigation circuit

By mvuilleu, in DIY and Measures, july 21,2017.

Courtesy of SwirlyLand, Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported Irrigation controllers are very convenient to avoid the garden watering chore, but they sometimes create disasters. As times goes by, and with changes in temperature, pipes tend to unbend and sometimes to separate at the joints, creating local inundations which can be devastating the vegetable patch, for example. Let's see how to detect leaks as quickly as possible...

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Using the HTTP callback mode in PHP

By seb, in For the beginners, july 14,2017.

A few weeks ago, we explained how to use our modules with PHP. At the time, we explained how to use PHP in direct mode, but there is another way: the HTTP callback mode. This week, we are going to tell you how to write your first PHP script working in HTTP callback mode.

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How to connect NPN and PNP sensors

By martinm, in Electronics, july 07,2017.

From time to time, Yoctopuce support receives questions from customers who do not quite know what to do with the three wires coming out of a PNP or NPN sensor. This week, we are going to tell you how these NPN and PNP outputs work, how to connect them, and with which modules.

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Interfacing a Wiegand RFID reader by USB

By mvuilleu, in DIY and Electronics, june 30,2017.

Among the requests that we received in the past few weeks, one caught our attention more particularly: how to interface a Wiegand RFID badge reader via USB, using Yoctopuce modules. It's interesting because Wiegand readers are widely spread in access control systems, and they are readily and quite cheaply available on the net. The good news is that we now have a solution, using a simple Yocto-Serial.

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How to start in PHP with Yoctopuce modules

By seb, in For the beginners, june 23,2017.

This week, we go on with our "for the beginners" post series and we are going to talk about PHP. PHP scripts are easy to use and to deploy. We are going to see that's it's also easy to interface Yoctopuce modules from a PHP script.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.