
Yoctopuce and non routable networks

By martinm, in Misc, january 18,2019.

We usually consider IP connection as a means to access Internet, but in fact it's quite possible to build networks which do not have outside connectivity. It's called non routable networks. They are useful, but they also introduce some difficulties. This week, we explain how to use Yoctopuce modules in a non routable network.

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Timed notifications and MQTT

By seb, in New stuff, january 11,2019.

CC0, unknown author.We are publishing a new VirtualHub and new firmware for the YoctoHubs. This new release offers two new features: support for timed notifications for MQTT and a new interface to configure these notifications.

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Using ngrok to access a YoctoHub

By mvuilleu, in Misc, january 05,2019.

For already some time, we offer a software solution to connect remotely to your Yoctopuce hubs, even when they are behind a NAT filter: the GatewayHub. However that solution requires to setup an Internet-facing Web hosting with Node.js. Today we will show another different solution, which is not applicable to GSM hubs but can save the effort of setting up a public hosting. Its name is ngrok.

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New! the Yocto-CO2-V2

By martinm, in New stuff, december 28,2018.

This week, we present the Yocto-CO2-V2, successor of the Yocto-CO2, which has a sensor that is starting to be obsolete. Let's see what this is all about ...

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Using our libraries under Linux aarch64 or arm64

By seb, in Programming, december 21,2018.

A few customers have asked us whether we supported Linux aarch64 or arm64, that is a Linux which uses an 64-bit ARM processor. The answer is yes and no. We don't provide pre-compiled binaries for these platforms, so by default our libraries don't work. But you can recompile our libraries to make them work properly. Explanations...

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