
Using the C# library on Linux and macOS with Mono

By seb, in Programming, february 22,2019.

We recently published two C# applications which use Yoctopuce modules: Yocto-Visualization and Yocto-Discovery. Thanks to Mono, we can run these two applications under Windows, macOS, and Linux (Intel and ARM). We needed a few trials until Mono accepted to use our library. So we thought that this would interest other users...

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Yoctopuce & NEEO, the useless driver

By martinm, in Programming and Internet of Things, february 15,2019.

For a long while, the Rolls of universal remote controls was the Pronto series, but Philips stopped manufacturing them about ten years ago. They had probably exhausted the pool of customers ready to pay one thousand dollars for a universal remote control. Today, the next generation is more or less ensured by Logitech's Harmony and NEEO. As NEEO provides an SDK, we wondered if we could use it to control Yoctopuce modules.

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New: the Yocto-Pressure

By martinm, in Measures and New stuff, february 08,2019.

This week, we yet again announce a new product: the Yocto-Pressure, a small and very simple USB module which enables you to measure the pressure of a gas or of a liquid up to 10 bars.

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Installing the VirtualHub made easier

By seb february 03,2019.

This week, we published a new VirtualHub. This new version doesn't fix much. The interesting new feature is for Windows users: on top of the traditional zip file with the executable, you can now download an installer...

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New: the Mini-Battery-Supervisor

By mvuilleu, in New stuff and Electronics, january 25,2019.

The newcomer in the Yoctopuce circuit family is the tiniest of all, and yet you could find it greatly useful. At first sight, the Mini-Battery-Supervisor looks like a simple USB connector that you can mount on a front panel, but it contains regulation and control electronics for an external power source. Let's see what it can do....

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.