Humidity issues are frequent in basement rooms. An air that is too humid promotes the growth of mold on the wallsand spreads musty odors. If you are faced with such issues, you could run buy a dehumidifier, but it's not necessarily the best method. Today, we present a solution based on Yoctopuce sensors which allows you to lower the humidity level of a room in a simple and pragmatic way.
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From time to time, we are asked whether Yoctopuce would be interested in building a USB motion sensor based on a PIR sensor. Let's kill the suspense right away: the answer is no, not at the present time. However, we can show you how to build one for a little bit more than the price of a Yocto-Serial.
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Windows 10 is available since a week ago and, if you have a reasonably recent computer, you can upgrade this computer for free. But will the Yoctopuce modules still work after the upgrade? The answer is yes! But the real question is: why?
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There are more and more services enabling you to store your measures in the cloud. We already presented free (but limited) solutions such as EmonCMS and ThinkSpeak, and more recently the commercial solution Microsoft Azure. Today, we present the professional solution developed by our US reseller,, which is today the only one to exploit the advanced features of Yoctopuce modules and also offers features linked to geolocation that you don't find in other services.
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The Nexus Player is a small round box that you can connect to a TV to play movies, display pictures and play video games. In short, it's a multimedia box like many others (Apple TV, WD TV, ...). But, unlike its competitors, the Nexus Player runs Android. So it is possible to plug and use our devices on this Player.
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