
New product: the Yocto-4-20mA-Tx

By martinm, in New stuff, december 11,2015.

This week, we present the alter-ego of the Yocto-4-20mA-Rx, that is the Yocto-4-20mA-Tx. This small module enables you to control industrial actuators, as long as they have a 4-20mA input. Let's have a closer look, shall we?

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Using Yoctopuce sensors with InfluxDB and Grafana

By mvuilleu, in Reviews and Measures, december 05,2015.

Yoctopuce sensors are sold with programming libraries rather than with turnkey software for a specific use. Therefore, most of Yoctopuce users are developers. We do provide a few ready-to-use tools such as the command line interface, somewhat rustic, or the integration into third party solutions such as EmonCMS or Valarm. Today, we present a new solution of this type: an integration with InfluxDB and Grafana.

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Running a system on batteries

By martinm, in Electronics, november 27,2015.

As long as your expectations are in line with the laws of physics, it is not a problem to build a battery-powered system with Yoctopuce devices. We have already covered this topic a few times on this blog, but this week we will provide some theory and see how we can compute the life time of a system based on the battery size, how to build a self-powered system, what are the pitfalls to avoid...

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Coke + Mentos + Yoctopuce = Fun

By seb, in DIY, november 19,2015.

This week, we decided to write a more entertaining post. It's an experiment to be done with children: adding a few Mentos candies into a Coke bottle to literally create a Coke geyser. The difficulty in this experiment is that the reaction happens so fast that one often finds oneself drenched with Coke. We decided to create a device allowing us to trigger this reaction from afar.

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Error message: "Another process is already using yAPI"

By martinm, in Programming, november 13,2015.

Yoctopuce support quite often receives calls for help from customers somewhat lost when they discover this error message: "Another process is already using yAPI". This issue is discussed in the documentation of Yoctopuce products but, this week, we are going to take the time to understand where this error message is coming from and how to avoid it.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.