
The VirtualHub, a multi-purpose tool

By martinm, in For the beginners, june 10,2016.

In our "Yoctopuce for beginners" series, we recently described how to use the VirtualHub to configure Yoctopuce modules. But, actually, the VirtualHub does not simply provide a graphical interface to test and configure Yoctopuce modules, it can do much more. This week, we invite you to discover other facets of this rather magical tool.

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Animating RGB LEDs using a Yocto-Color-V2

By seb, in Programming and New stuff, june 01,2016.

When we announced the Yocto-Color-V2, we explained that this new version can drive up to 146 NeoPixel leds. However, to use this new feature, you must use a new API that we are going to discover in this post.

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Sending and receiving SMS from a software

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, may 31,2016.

We have just added a new feature to the YoctoHub-GSM. If you update your firmware, you will be able to use it to send and receive SMS. This is might not look very useful to access a Yoctopuce sensor, but it opens the door to new use-cases for the YoctoHub-GSM itself. For instance, you can now implement two factor authentication.

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A pseudo terminal for the Yocto-Serial

By seb, in Tiny PC and Programming, may 20,2016.

Many home automation projects use mini-PCs running under Linux. Some of these mini-PCs have an HDMI output, but other, such as the OLinuXino, don't have a video output. In this case, the solution to configure these boards is to use a serial console. The problem is that no computer has a serial port anymore and if you have an old enough computer to have an RS232 port, you can't use it because the RS232 port works in 12 Volts. The traditional solution is to use a USB-serial adapter sold by the constructor. But you can also use a Yocto-Serial.

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New! The Yocto-Color-V2

By martinm, in New stuff, may 13,2016.

This week, we invite you to meet a newcomer: the Yocto-Color-V2. Basically, it's a multicolor led driver designed to replace the Yocto-Color. Wait! Don't go just yet! This module can do much more than drive two RGB leds. You can do some real cool stuff with it...

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.