
Yoctopuce and Unity 5

By seb, in Programming, september 09,2015.

Several customers asked us recently whether one could use our modules with the Unity game engine. As we had absolutely no experience with this environment, we decided to give it a try and to let you know the result...

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Restarting a VPN gateway remotely

By mvuilleu, in Misc, september 04,2015.

Nowadays, people frequently need to connect themselves remotely on a computer network to monitor an installation or perform maintenance tasks. However, because of computer attacks which any machine connected to the Internet faces, we usually lock all possible doors, except one that we consider safe. For example, we only keep one secure VPN gateway. But if the gateway fails, it's a disaster... So, how can you avoid finding yourself without access to your network, but without opening an additional door?

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Using the JavaScript library from our web site

By seb, in Programming, august 27,2015.

A few months ago, we showed you how to create a web page hosted directly on a YoctoHub. While writing this post, we thought that we could still improve the ease of use of our JavaScript library.

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How to fight humidity in a room

By mvuilleu, in Measures and Misc, august 23,2015.

Humidity issues are frequent in basement rooms. An air that is too humid promotes the growth of mold on the wallsand spreads musty odors. If you are faced with such issues, you could run buy a dehumidifier, but it's not necessarily the best method. Today, we present a solution based on Yoctopuce sensors which allows you to lower the humidity level of a room in a simple and pragmatic way.

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PIR: a USB motion sensor

By martinm, in Measures and DIY, august 14,2015.

From time to time, we are asked whether Yoctopuce would be interested in building a USB motion sensor based on a PIR sensor. Let's kill the suspense right away: the answer is no, not at the present time. However, we can show you how to build one for a little bit more than the price of a Yocto-Serial.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.