
Remote monitoring with the Valarm cloud

By mvuilleu, in Measures, Reviews and Internet of Things, july 31,2015.

There are more and more services enabling you to store your measures in the cloud. We already presented free (but limited) solutions such as EmonCMS and ThinkSpeak, and more recently the commercial solution Microsoft Azure. Today, we present the professional solution developed by our US reseller,, which is today the only one to exploit the advanced features of Yoctopuce modules and also offers features linked to geolocation that you don't find in other services.

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Switch on a lamp from Android TV

By seb, in Android, july 23,2015.

The Nexus Player is a small round box that you can connect to a TV to play movies, display pictures and play video games. In short, it's a multimedia box like many others (Apple TV, WD TV, ...). But, unlike its competitors, the Nexus Player runs Android. So it is possible to plug and use our devices on this Player.

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A Solar, Waterproof and Wifi thermometer

By martinm, in Measures and DIY, july 17,2015.

Recently we had to build a device able to measure temperature on a roof. No electricity was available up there, the only technological stuff we could use was a wifi network. That project is not really original since the issues involved have been covered in the mail box and the weather station posts. However we though you would be interested in the box construction....

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Connecting sensors to Microsoft Azure

By mvuilleu, in Internet of Things, july 10,2015.

We have shown several times how an autonomous sensor can send data through the Internet to a program hosted on a web server. But, until today, we limited ourselves to the most classic development environments for web servers: PHP, Java, or Node.js. Today, you are going to see that it's also easy to send data to a Microsoft Azure data base, enabling us to access it from the new Microsoft ecosystem.

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Splash photography

By martinm, in DIY and Programming, july 03,2015.

In the latest issue of Make, we found a nice article by Thomas Burg and Johannes Gottwald about splash photography. The principle behind this technique, often used for commercials, is to take a picture of an object while it dips into a liquid. This can produces stunning pictures. Of course, after reading that, we were eager to give it a try...

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.