
Interfacing the SPS30 particle sensor

By martinm, in Measures and Programming, october 23,2020.

Sensirion recently released the SPS30, a particulate matter sensor with both a serial interface and an I2C interface. So, obviously, we didn't have to wait for long before someone asked us whether we could interface it with Yoctopuce modules.

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Compiling the C++ library with CMake

By seb, in Programming, october 18,2020.

Recently, we have had several customers who decided to compile our C++ library under Linux. This process is documented in the README file and there is a post explaining how to compile the library with the Code::Blocks IDE. However, we hadn't yet documented how to use CMake to compile the library and use it in a program. This week, we are tackling this issue.

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Emulating a Wiegand RFID reader

By mvuilleu, in Misc, october 11,2020.

We already showed you in a previous post how to use a Yocto-Serial to decode Wiegand messages over USB, for instance to interface an RFID reader. And as we could have guessed, someone asked a bit later if the reverse was possible as well: can we send Wiegand messages using the same USB interface? The answer is yes, it is now possible as well. Let's see how to proceed...

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Isolated modules: why?

By martinm october 02,2020.

This week, we are going to discuss isolated Yoctopuce modules. What is this famous isolation? How is it implemented? What's its use? What are the consequences?

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IFTTT and Yoctopuce

By seb, in Internet of Things, september 25,2020.

YoctoHubs cannot connect directly to the IFTTT cloud service, but you can still use our modules with this platform thanks to the Webhooks. We are going to see how to publish the values measured by a Yocto-Meteo-V2 on different services thanks to IFTTT and Webhooks.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.