
Infrared temperature measure: myth and reality

By mvuilleu, in Measures, april 30,2020.

As several countries are starting to alleviate the containment rules, we are receiving many requests concerning our infrared temperature sensor, the Yocto-Temperature-IR. Indeed, the possibility to quickly and without contact detect people who may be sick seems interesting. But is it as easy as it seems?

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How to use our Android library with Xamarin

By seb, in Android and Programming, april 24,2020.

In our previous posts, we always used Android Studio to implement our applications. However, it's not the only available tool. Indeed, some of our customers use Xamarin and C# to implement their mobile applications. This week, we are going to see how to create an Android application using our modules with Xamarin.

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Simulating the presence of a colleague

By seb april 17,2020.

At this time of Covid-19 pandemic, many people are working from home. It's also the case for part of Yoctopuce's staff. To stay connected, we created a small application which detects if a person is at his home work place and updates the color of a led at Yoctopuce's premises.

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LabVIEW library: advanced usage

By martinm, in Programming and For the beginners, april 10,2020.

Almost all the features of the Yoctopuce API are present in the LabVIEW library, this represents more than 2000 possible distinct functions through more than 80 classes. However, there is only one VI per class, so how could we cram an average of 25 calls per VI? This week, we are going to explain to you in more details the concept of proxy objects for the LabVIEW Yoctopuce API.

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High-frequency measures with the Yocto-3D-V2

By mvuilleu, in Programming, april 03,2020.

We regularly receive questions on how to obtain high frequency measures with the Yocto-3D and the Yocto-3D-V2. We already discussed the principle in a previous post, but to make your life easier, we prepared a concrete example.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.