
New product: the Yocto-MaxiPowerRelay

By martinm, in New stuff, october 10,2014.

Those of you who pay close attention may have noticed that, since a few weeks ago, the Yocto-MaxiRelay is not available anymore. Actually, we have decided to discontinue this product: too expensive, too heavy, too hard to build, for a result somewhat disappointing in terms of DC load breaking capacity. As there truly was some demand for a multichannel relay module, we have a little something to offer instead.

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Counting pulses

By martinm, in New stuff and Measures, october 03,2014.

People often ask us whether we have a little something enabling people to count pulses or even to measure the frequency of an electric signal. Usually, we cunningly answer that the best would be a Yocto-PWM-Rx, but that this module doesn't exist yet. Well, this is going to change because the Yocto-PWM-Rx is finally now available. We imagine that some are already jumping for joy :-)

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Polling vs. Callback

By martinm, in Programming, september 26,2014.

The Yoctopuce API provides several ways to communicate with Yoctopuce modules: polling, value change callbacks, and periodic callbacks. We mentioned them all from time to time in this blog, but we never took time, until now, to present in details these different techniques. So let's have look :-)

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Using Xively or Emoncms with a YoctoHub

By Sébastien Rinsoz, in Measures and Internet of Things, september 18,2014.

When you simply want to display a physical measure with a Yoctopuce module, there are several solutions: You can write your own program to display the sensor data, or use the embedded data logger with our command line API to export the data. But there is an even simpler solution: configuring a YoctoHub to post the values in the cloud. We natively support Xively and Emoncms, and this week we explain how to configure a YoctoHub to use these services.

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The new YoctoHub-Wireless-g

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, september 11,2014.

For a year, we have been offering the YoctoHub-Wireless to enable you to connect your Yoctopuce modules directly to a wireless network, without a computer. Experience showed a few limitations of this first version and we are happy to present today its successor: the YoctoHub-Wireless-g. Although nothing changes in its shape or in its use, some people will rejoice. So let's see the improvements...

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