
YoctoHub and Web-Applications

By martinm, in Programming, may 29,2015.

As you may have noticed it, all Yoctopuce modules are essentially peripheral devices. Sensors provide values, actuators perform explicit actions, but the actuators cannot automatically activate themselves depending on conditions on the sensor values. In short, there is no room for any kind of user logic in our modules, you need a CPU somewhere to drive your modules. Why not use that of a web browser? It's quite possible to host a Web-App on a YoctoHub. It's a technique that we have used before, but never really took the time to explain...

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Creating crystals

By martinm, in DIY, may 22,2015.

One of us recently bought one of these scientific kits for children. Yes, at Yoctopuce, we still are big kids :-) The idea was to grow crystals, but frankly the result wasn't very convincing. We ended up with a pile of ridiculously small crystals at the bottom of a plastic cup. Nothing like what was promised on the box. We wondered if we could better the concept with some Yoctopuce modules. Let's see if we can do as well as Walter White...

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RS232, mysterious protocol, and reverse engineering

By martinm, in Misc, may 15,2015.

We recently bought a magnetic hotplate stirrer that you can remotely drive thanks to an RS232 port. Unfortunately, the manufacturer seems to have forgotten to document the communication protocol. It was already too late when we noticed this. Not to worry, it's the ideal opportunity to show you how to work around this issue with a Yocto-RS232 .

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Yoctopuce and Android Studio

By seb, in Android, may 06,2015.

We published this week our Android library on the jcenter library repository. We take this opportunity to write a short tutorial on how to add our library to an Android Studio project.

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How to calibrate a CO2 sensor?

By mvuilleu, in Measures and Misc, may 01,2015.

CO2 sensors are increasingly popular to monitor air quality at home and in business premises. So much so that we tend to forget that the measures are based on rather advanced technologies, requiring some precautions if we want to make sure that we obtain valid measures. So, do we need to calibrate a CO2 sensor and, if we do, how should we do it?

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