Now that we finally have our small dry ice freezer, we were able to perform systematic measures of cold endurance for our sensors and transmitters. So here are the tests that we performed and the results.
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Three weeks ago, we built a "hot box" that can maintain a small enclosure at a constant temperature in the order of 85°C during a few hours. This week, we are trying to do the opposite: a "cold box" that can maintain an ambient temperature in the order of -30°C.
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You may have noticed that until now our module specifications didn't include a working temperature range. This omission could seem strange, but we didn't want to give raw numbers without accompanying them with some explanations. Indeed, although most of the modules were designed for an extended temperature range, we hadn't had the opportunity to formally valid the theoretical temperatures. Thanks to the small system built two weeks ago, it's getting ready.
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This week, we are implementing a program suggested by one of our customers: Using the Windows API to adapt the brightness of a monitor depending on the ambient light. Most laptops already do that, but desktops don't because they don't have a light sensor. We are going to use a Yocto-Light-V3 to determine the ambient light.
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We recently decided to systematically test the behavior of Yoctopuce modules when they are submitted to high temperatures. We therefore had to build an enclosure able to heat up and maintain a relatively precise temperature. This week, we show you how we built it.
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