
Remote serial communication with VirtualHub for Web

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, december 29,2023.

Most of our examples with Yoctopuce communication modules use their integrated job system, which enables autonomous interrogation of an external sensor and assignment of the values read to the 10 genericSensors available on the module. This makes it particularly easy to upload measurements to a VirtualHub for Web server. Today, we're going to show you how to proceed in a more complex case where it's not possible to use genericSensors, for example because there are more than 10 measures to capture, or because the data is not numerical.

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Testing Sensirion's STC31 CO2 sensor

By martinm, in Reviews, december 22,2023.

Yoctopuce has been offering a CO2 sensor for some time now. The current model, the Yocto-C02-V2, has a measure range of 0-40000ppm, or 0-4%. This is sufficient for most common applications. But what if you need to measure higher concentrations? Sensirion now offers the STC31 sensor with a measure range from 0 to 100%.

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Displaying solar production on a YoctoDisplay

By seb, in Programming, december 15,2023.

This week, we created a small program that displays the current production of the building's photovoltaic panels on a Yocto-MaxiDisplay. To do this, we wrote a small Python script that retrieves production information from the building's Envoy S Metered gateway.

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Firmware update on remote devices

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, december 09,2023.

image courtesy of Gastón Cuello, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 (see,_Ushuaia_11.JPG)A year ago, we announced a new tool for monitoring your systems based on Yoctopuce devices via the Internet, called VirtualHub for Web. This tool uses our HTTP callback mechanism to interact with modules, while offering a Web interface very similar to the usual YoctoHub or VirtualHub interface. The first version nevertheless had certain limitations, which we are gradually working to reduce...

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Seeed Studio's reTerminal screen

By martinm, in Tiny PC and Reviews, december 01,2023.

For several years now, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has been marketing 7-inch screens into which you can install a Raspberry Pi (sold separately) to create an all-in-one system. At Yoctopuce, we even have several that we use every day to monitor various experiments. But when we stumbled across SeeedStudio's reTerminal, we were keen to test it out to see if it could be used as an alternative.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.