
Using Yocto-Devices without a (real) computer

By mvuilleu, in Reviews and Tiny PC, may 24,2012.

In most of the examples of use for our modules which are published in this blog, a USB connection with a computer is required. It's logical for USB modules, but it's constraining. Laptops, even if they are small, take up some space. And it's difficult to devote a computer for each do-it-yourself idea that goes through our heads. Let's have a look at alternatives that exist or could exist...

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Pet project vs. real world economy

By martinm, in Misc, may 18,2012.

Some time ago, we started to sell the RaspBox, an acrylic glass enclosure for Raspberry PI, these little computers worth $25 of the size of a credit card. This enclosure was sold at a very small price (CHF 8.50). But here we are, we are going to have to raise its price (a lot), and we thought that we should at least tell you why.

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An embedded ammeter

By mvuilleu, in Measures, may 11,2012.

When you build an electrical circuit requiring some power, for instance in a remote controlled scale model, it is essential to correctly size the wires and the battery. If the wires are too thin, they transform themselves into an electrical heater; worse, if a LiPo battery is undersized, it can transform itself into an incendiary bomb... The problem is that power consumption can be measured only in real life circumstances, when the motor (or any other consumer) is really working. Thus, it becomes interesting to use a small embedded ammeter from which you can read the measures later by USB. This is the perfect opportunity to present the Yocto-Amp, our new product.

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A USB email indicator

By martinm, in DIY, may 04,2012.

One of the common issues linked to internet consists in knowing whether you've got mail at a glance, without consulting any computer-like equipment. This week, we provide a solution to this issue by lighting a Yocto-PowerColor when an unread email is awaiting your attention in your mail box. In fact, the real difficulty lies in integrating the Yocto-PowerColor in a decorative element, making the result visually pleasing.

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Mini-enclosures for mini-modules

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, april 26,2012.

Among the various requests that you have made to us, there is one which is particularly difficult to satisfy: to provide an enclosure to protect and dress our modules. Sure, we could have contented ourselves to sell a grey plastic container in the purest 70's style, as others do it, but this really didn't fit with the style of the modules. We could have gone for an acrylic glass enclosure, which has always a good rendering on pictures, but it would have been too bulky and unpractical with regards to the size of our modules. No, something better was needed, something which would not make our modules lose their size advantage...

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.