
Implementing a scale with Windows 10 IoT

By seb, in Internet of Things and Tiny PC, march 23,2018.

This week, we wanted to test Windows IoT. To do so, we decided to use a Raspberry Pi 3, our new Yocto-Bridge module and a Yocto-MaxiDisplay to implement a weighing scale.

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New: alarms in Yocto-Visualisation app

By martinm, in New stuff and Measures, march 16,2018.

Someone recently asked us whether it was possible to add alarms in the Yocto-Visualization application. That's now done. Let's see how it works...

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GSM data usage for sensor monitoring

By mvuilleu march 09,2018.

A large portion of the costs for a remote monitoring installation using the cellular network is linked to communication costs that the provider bills. It is therefore important to correctly estimate the amount of data transmitted in order to budget the system, to select the most appropriate subscription, and make the best technical choices. Here are a few elements which can help you to do so.

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How to get started with Yoctopuce modules on UWP

By seb, in For the beginners and New stuff, march 02,2018.

Some time ago, we announced a beta version of a Universal Windows Platform library. Today, we officially publish this new library and we take this opportunity to explain how to use it. We are going to write a short Windows Universal application displaying the value of a temperature sensor.

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Larson scanner

By martinm, in Programming, february 23,2018.

Do you know the commonality between the TV series Battlestar Galactica (1978) and Knight Rider (1982)? Actually, there are at least two: their creator Glen A. Larson, and this small chase effect in the Cylons visor and at the front of KITT, hence the "Larson scanner" expression. We wondered if we could do the same effect with the autonomous animations of the Yocto-Color-V2.

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