
New: The YoctoHub-Wireless

By martinm, in New stuff, october 17,2013.

After almost two years spent in the vaporware section, the YoctoHub-Wireless is finally available. In short, it's a wireless YoctoHub-Ethernet, but there are some important differences. Let's have a closer look at them...

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Yoctopuce now supports Node.js

By mvuilleu, in Programming, october 11,2013.

Good news for Node.js users: we are introducing today a new version of our library, dedicated to this environment. Node.js is an easy-to-install environment that provides an interesting alternative to PHP, and known to be more efficient. You can now use it to drive your Yoctopuce devices as well, including in HTTP Callback mode.

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New product: the Yocto-PT100

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, october 04,2013.

You asked for it, here it is! A new USB temperature sensor is expanding our range: the Yocto-PT100. It's the ultimate temperature sensor for the most advanced needs. With a sensitivity of 0,01°C, nothing can escape its notice. The absolute measure accuracy follows the 1/10 DIN B standard, that is 0,03°C + 0,05%. Hard to beat...

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Switching a relay via an SMS

By Sébastien Rinsoz, in Programming and Android, september 24,2013.

We have been recently asked whether we had a solution to communicate with our modules using SMS. We have a long term plan for a GSM version of our YoctoHub, but for now we focus on the YoctoHub-Wifi and other new modules. However, using an Android phone and with some programming, it is quite possible to communicate with a Yoctopuce module via SMS. A classic use is to remotely turn on and off the heating of your vacation home.

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New product: The Yocto-Maxi-IO

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, september 19,2013.

Until now, we did not have much to offer to interface a PC with an external system using digital I/O lines. This gap is now filled by the new Yocto-Maxi-IO, that we will present today. Unlike a simple GPIO, the Yocto-Maxi-IO is an isolated interface, that can be used to safely connect without additional electronics up to 8 bidirectional digital lines, at the voltage of your choice.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.