
A canary to detect network intruders

By mvuilleu, in Misc, december 31,2021.

Every now and then, security experts discover new vulnerabilities that affect the security of many computer systems. The month of December 2021 was the occasion of a good example, with the flaw in the log4j library which allows the remote execution of arbitrary code on vulnerable systems. Noting that it seems impossible to definitively guard against this type of problem, we wondered whether the Yoctopuce modules could help detect intrusions before it is too late...

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Recovering from an error during a firmware update

By seb, in Misc, november 08,2021.

We do everything we can so that the firmware updates of Yoctopuce modules work smoothly and without any hitch. However, it may happen that some external event, such as a power failure or a communication loss, prevents the process to end properly. We are going to see how to reset the module into a working state and restore its configuration parameters when the update process was interrupted.

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We are moving!

By mvuilleu, in Misc, october 07,2021.

This week is quite special for the Yoctopuce team. After 10 years spent in the garage where Yoctopuce was founded, we finally took the plunge and moved to new premises, a little more roomy...

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Resisting shortage

By mvuilleu, in Misc, august 27,2021.

You have certainly heard of the shortage of electronic components which causes serious issues for the automotive industry. This industry is not the only one impacted, all the manufacturers feel its effects, even small actors like ourselves. But what is it, exactly?

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About Yoctopuce customized modules

By martinm, in Misc, august 20,2021.

On top of its standard products, Yoctopuce proposes to manufacture customized variants to address specific needs from customers. We discussed this in a general way some years ago, but over time we noticed that the initial discussion with a customer interested by a customized version was always the same. So we offer you this week some thoughts on the ins and outs of a customized Yoctopuce module.

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