
Docker and the VirtualHub

By seb, in Programming and Misc, march 19,2021.

Several customers contacted us because they were having difficulties executing the VirtualHub into a Docker container. Technically, you can do so, but we discourage the use of the VirtualHub in a Docker container. Here is why.

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10 years!

By martinm, in Misc, march 05,2021.

Yoctopuce was created 10 years ago this month. So, this week, we offer you some thoughts on these 10 years that have gone by at a frantic pace.

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About shippings with Swiss Post

By martinm, in Misc, january 22,2021.

As you may have noticed, Yoctopuce stopped offering to send your international orders with Swiss Post. We thought that the least we could do was to explain why.

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VirtualHub 2.0 : MQTT and TLS

By seb, in Misc, december 25,2020.

This week, we take a quick look at the latest developments of the VirtualHub 2.0 Beta. We have added support for MQTT callbacks on a TLS connection and binaries for the Raspberry Pi.

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Brightness requirements in display technology

By Blog Guest, in Misc, november 27,2020.

This week, we have invited a guest on our blog. Infinitus is one of our longstanding customers. They manufacture outdoor displays, and as you might guess, they have some use for Yoctopuce's light sensors. The Infinitus team wrote the article below and asked if we could publish it, we accepted.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.