Microsoft has been trying for several years to offer Windows computers with ARM processors, without much commercial success, as very few applications are compatible with this architecture. To solve this problem, Microsoft has added an emulator to Windows 11 that lets you run applications designed to run on Intel processors. We wanted to check that our applications and libraries work correctly with this emulator. They do, but we took the opportunity to add native support for ARM processors.
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This week, we're continuing our quest for the ideal USB battery to power systems built with Yoctopuce modules, and we've found a model sold by Waveshare that seems worth a look.
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At the beginning of the Summer, we showed you in this blog the installation of a SenseCAP S700 V2 weather station with the aim of collecting data to optimize the watering of a vegetable garden. After a few weeks of measures, it's time to analyze the data collected to see whether or not it provides any useful information...
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We would like to inform you of a change concerning the distribution of our Android applications. From now on, Yoctopuce does no longer publish its applications on Google Play. This decision is the result of new conditions imposed by Google, and we'd like to explain why and how you can continue using our applications.
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10-12 years ago, you could buy a USB battery for 10-20 euros, and use it to power a Yoctopuce experiment without asking yourself too many questions. Unfortunately, today it's very hard to find a USB battery that can power a Yocto-Wireless or YoctoHub-GSM-based experiment. So we decided to invest some time, and money, in trying to find a good one.
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