You may have noticed that we don't list any enclosure in the related product section of the Yocto-LatchedRelay. The reason is that, because of the power it supports, this relay is a little bit to high to fit as is in one of our standard enclosures. However, if you are ready to do a little work, there is a relatively simple way to make a Yocto-LatchedRelay fit into an enclosure. Here is how...
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You have most probably already read about the Pebble smart watch, which connects to your phone to let you know about new emails, text messages, incoming calls, etc. A year after the original announcement, Pebble has eventually published the SDK to create an active “Watch App” for this watch. We thought it would be fun and convenient to be able to control our environment directly from a watch. So, to test this new SDK, we have written a small Pebble application that controls the light bulb that we used a couple of weeks ago with the Yocto-LatchedRelay.
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A few days ago, our beloved Cosm Beta service that we used to recommend for real-time graphs from your Yoctopuce sensors, has changed its usage terms. Renamed Xively, the web site is now focusing on revenue-generating services. Unfortunately, some essential features that we have been using, such as the ability to choose the display time range on a graph, have disappeared. It is therefore time to look for alternatives to Cosm...
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Tinkering with the desk lamp brought up an omission in our product catalog: a latched relay was clearly missing. This lack has now been made up thanks to the Yocto-LatchedRelay, a latched relay which can also be manually commuted.
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After the article on the remote controlled camera, we were asked if the Yoctopuce modules could be used to take pictures of scenes notoriously difficult to capture, such as a bursting balloon. We had to respond to the challenge!
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