
Yoctopuce displays and double buffering

By martinm, in Programming, august 02,2019.

We recently noticed that, when drawing on a raster display is involved, not everybody thinks about "double buffering" as the go to technique. That's why, this week, we are proposing a short article explaining how this technique works and why it is so easy to use it with Yoctopuce displays.

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New: The Yocto-MaxiCoupler-V2

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, july 26,2019.

Relays are one of the most fundamental components used in automation: opening and closing a circuit is the most intuitive way to remotely control a machine. We offer several kinds of USB driven relays, depending on the type of circuit to be switched. But we also have an alternate choice: solid-state relays, solely based on semiconductors. And on this topic, we have fresh news...

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Yocto-Graph improvements

By seb, in Android, july 19,2019.

This week, we are going to talk about our Yocto-Graph Android application. At the beginning, this application was designed as a usage example for the data logger, but some customers find it convenient and have asked use whether we could add network support to it, in order to use Yoctopuce modules connected to a YoctoHub. We therefore decided to add network support to the Yocto-Graph.

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News of Yocto-Visualization

By martinm july 12,2019.

As the Yocto-Visualization application is very successful with our customers, we keep improving it, naturally by fixing bugs, but also by adding new features. These new features come up regularly, but they are not advertised: one must usually read the release notes to know what each new version brings. This week, we sum up key changes that have occurred over the past year.

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Exporting consolidated measures in CSV format

By mvuilleu, in Programming, july 11,2019.

Among the questions that regularly come up for Yoctopuce support, we find in good position the question of how to generate a CSV file with data recorded by several sensors. So, to save you some time, we finally decided to add this function directly in the programming library.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.