
Yoctopuce is now available in Maven

By Sébastien Rinsoz, in Programming, april 24,2014.

Maven is the most popular build engine for Java. We have therefore modified our Java library to make it compatible with Maven and it is now also available from the Maven Central Repository. Thanks to this, it's now possible to use the Yoctopuce library in a Maven project by adding only three fields in an xml file :-)

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Automatic Garden Watering using a BeagleBone Black

By mvuilleu, in DIY, Internet of Things and Tiny PC, april 17,2014.

The sun is back. It is time to start thinking about a good automated watering system for the garden if you need to have it up and running when it's going to get real warm. Do you already have a central garden watering system ? Then let's see how you could make it smarter using a BeagleBone Black and a Yoctopuce device.

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Controlled-environment cultivation

By martinm, in Internet of Things and Measures, april 11,2014.

As illustrated in a previous post, you need only a few Yoctopuce modules and a very simple logic to regulate an environmental factor such as humidity. Starting from there, why not generalize the principle and produce an environment fully optimized for a specific aim, such as growing plants? We decided to test this principle to grow mushrooms. Mushrooms, rather than tomatoes or pumpkins, because mushrooms grow fast and in the dark. It's therefore quite easy to make a time-lapse of their growing if you control lighting well...

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Yoctopuce and Wireless mouses

By martinm, in DIY, april 01,2014.

At Yoctopuce, we use many computers to test our products and validate use-cases. We use wireless mouses mice mouses a lot. And the problem is always the same: whenever you have a mouse, you look for the matching dongle. This week, we present the method that we came up with to always find back the right dongle for every wireless mouse.

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How to use Yoctopuce modules in the middle of nowhere

By Sébastien Rinsoz, in Measures and Android, march 27,2014.

courtesy of @lain GHow to measure environmental factors (temperature, light, humidity, ...) in a field located kilometers away from any electric socket and any Wifi network? The first solution coming to mind is to use an Android phone and to connect Yoctopuce sensors by USB. This solution works (as illustrated here), but to power this type of installation, you need to use a solar panel and a battery of a relatively large size. To perform some measures for a relatively short period of time (a few weeks), there is a simpler and probably cheaper alternative: using a Wifi connection between the phone and the sensor instead of a USB one.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.