
Yoctopuce and .Net 6

By seb, in Programming, march 15,2022.

Microsoft recently released version 6 of the .Net framework (formerly known as .Net Core). This version is supposed to be compatible with older versions of the framework, but in reality it isn't. We therefore had to fix some small problems in our library, in particular in the NuGet package.

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YoctoHubs and Discovery

By martinm, in Programming, february 25,2022.

You may have guessed it because you have already used Yocto-Discovery, but if your application uses network hubs, it doesn't necessarily need to know their IP address to establish communication with them. It can also try to discover them by itself: the YoctoHub-Ethernet and YoctoHub-Wireless implement the SSDP protocol (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) which makes possible to discover devices present on a local network.

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Structure of a Yoctopuce application

By martinm, in For the beginners and Programming, february 04,2022.

This week's post is dedicated to beginners who have just received their first Yoctopuce module and who wonder about the kind of code they are going to need to write to make it work. So we are going to talk about the general structure of an application using Yoctopuce modules.

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Driving a motorized potentiometer

By martinm, in DIY and Programming, december 23,2021.

When designing our audio output switch, we thought about using a motorized potentiometer for the volume. The idea was quickly dismissed because this would have added bulkiness and complexity into a project that we wanted simple and compact. However, the question remains: can we use a motorized potentiometer with Yoctopuce modules? We tried it and the answer is yes, although it's quite tricky to do.

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Using Electron in TypeScript, the way we like it

By mvuilleu, in Programming, december 10,2021.

People like the TypeScript language as much to create web interfaces as to write Node.js software which work as a service, with complete access to the machine resources. You can also write traditional applications in TypeScript, that is applications which combine a graphical interface and access to all the resources of the machine, for example to access a database or files. We are going to explore this scenario and see how to access Yoctopuce modules in such a scenario.

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