
Yoctopuce libraries

By martinm, in Programming, september 30,2011.

People often ask how we manage to drive our USB devices using programming languages such as Javascript. Just for once, let's go for some slideware.

We provide three kinds of libraries to drive our USB devices: native libraries, dynamic libraries, and libraries requiring a virtual hub. All are available with source code.

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Javascript and USB

By martinm, in Programming, september 02,2011.

Javascript is a very powerful language, it can turn a pathetic static web page into something very similar to a native application. But there is a slight difference between web-based applications and native ones: Javascript is held captive by its own browser. Javascript is well known as unable to interact with the real world.

It turns out that the libraries provided by Yoctopuce will allow you to drive a USB Yoctopuce device using Javascript. A web page, five lines of Javascript, and you can already see your device working. No kidding.. wanna see an example ?

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.