
Automatic WiFi configuration

By seb, in Programming and Misc, december 13,2024.

Whenever you have a new WiFi device to install, the first step is to configure the connection settings. And often, the most time-consuming part is finding and typing in the password for the WiFi access point. We've enhanced the tool we introduced a few weeks ago to automate this step.

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A small configuration tool

By mvuilleu, in Programming, november 29,2024.

Yoctopuce modules are ideal for building application-specific measuring and automation systems. The end-user of the system doesn't even need to know that their system is based on Yoctopuce modules, since they work without drivers and our communication library can be fully integrated into the measuring and control software. Today, we're going to show you how to create a small, customizable and easy-to-use tool that enables end-users to configure a system to suit their network environment.

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Dinner is ready!

By seb, in Programming and DIY, november 03,2024.

At Yoctopuce, some of our developers have teenagers who love video games. At mealtimes, it's sometimes very often difficult to unhook them from their computers, especially when they're playing with headphones. This week, we're going to try and solve this problem the Yoctopuce way.

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Interfacing MLX90393 sensors with a Yocto-I2C

By martinm, in Programming, may 31,2024.

A customer recently asked us for help interfacing a Melexis MLX90393 magnetic field sensor with a Yocto-I2C. We figured that, if we had to do the integration work, we might as well let everyone benefit from it.

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RFID and key management

By martinm, in Programming and DIY, may 23,2024.

In the past, we've been asked several times whether it was possible to build a key management system based on Yoctopuce modules. Of course, we're talking about keys for opening locks, not cryptographic keys. We did propose a modest project a few years ago, but with the arrival of Yocto-RFID-15693, we can think bigger.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.