Sometimes people ask us for help about programming applications involving our devices. For instance, we have been asked for an application able to monitor mains voltage, with a variable sampling rate. Well, why not ? It has been a while since we haven't shown how easy our API is.
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When you install a home automation system at home, a common problem is to control it from outside. Indeed, network connection through a DSL router usually protects the home network through an address translation mechanism (NAT). This renders local machines invisible from the outside. Today, we present a solution to work around this issue without lowering the security of your private network. A practical example in home automation will follow in the post of next week.
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If you have to code a Yoctopuce devices inventory, you would probably want to explicitly build a list using the appropriate API functions. But this is not the most convenient method if you wish to handle devices plug/unplug events during the application life.
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Not so long ago, someone asked us if our devices could be driven directly from Microsoft Excel. Actually the answer is yes. But, unfortunately, this not as easy to do as we like our libraries to be. Anyway, seeing Excel plotting data coming directly from a Yoctopuce sensor might be worth the effort.
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Now that Windows 8 is finally available, we had to check that our modules work without trouble on this new OS. To perform a real test, we created a small C# application allowing us to monitor the temperature of several components of the computer (disks, graphic card, etc.) with the help of thermocouples. The good new is that it works!
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