
Symfony and Yoctopuce

By seb, in Programming, october 30,2020.

We recently had to use our PHP library with the Symfony framework. We managed it without too much hassle, but we lost some time with some Symfony specificities. So, we thought that a post on the topic could interest you.

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Interfacing the SPS30 particle sensor

By martinm, in Measures and Programming, october 23,2020.

Sensirion recently released the SPS30, a particulate matter sensor with both a serial interface and an I2C interface. So, obviously, we didn't have to wait for long before someone asked us whether we could interface it with Yoctopuce modules.

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Compiling the C++ library with CMake

By seb, in Programming, october 18,2020.

Recently, we have had several customers who decided to compile our C++ library under Linux. This process is documented in the README file and there is a post explaining how to compile the library with the Code::Blocks IDE. However, we hadn't yet documented how to use CMake to compile the library and use it in a program. This week, we are tackling this issue.

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VirtualHub, Hostname and RegisterHub()

By martinm, in Programming, july 10,2020.

So... you like Yoctopuce devices a lot: you installed many of them everywhere and connected them to a few Raspberry Pi on which a VirtualHub is running. That's great, thank you for your confidence. There is a weird thing though: you cannot manage to write a Yoctopuce program able to contact two Raspberry Pi at the same time..

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A Yoctopuce Toolbox for MATLAB (Beta version)

By mvuilleu, in New stuff and Programming, may 29,2020.

Some time ago, we told you that you could use our .NET Proxy library with MATLAB. We decided to dig a little deeper into the subject to see if we could make this MATLAB support official. While doing so, we realized that we could do even better by creating native MATLAB classes. So today, we present you our brand new Yoctopuce Toolbox for MATLAB, in Beta version.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.