
Communicating with DMX512 devices

By mvuilleu, in DIY, march 01,2024.

DMX512 is a lighting control standard widely used in theater and nightclub technology. It enables all kinds of stage equipment to be remotely controlled from a central console, simply via a long three-wire bus on which the spotlights are chained. But can a Yoctopuce module be used to access a DMX512 bus?

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Making a smart extension cord

By seb, in DIY, september 22,2023.

This week, we're going to do a little DIY. The aim is to make a "smart" extension cord that measures consumption and can be controlled remotely using the WiFi network.

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Build a PT100 probe for a fraction of the price

By martinm, in DIY, july 18,2023.

If you've ever bought a Yocto-PT100, you've probably noticed that it doesn't come with a PT100 probe, and that these probes are pretty expensive. But did you know that it's possible to make one quite easily and cheaply?

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Using an I2C infrared camera

By mvuilleu, in Electronics, DIY and Programming, february 10,2023.

There are now small infrared cameras in the form of break-out boards that are very affordable and easy to integrate into automation projects. Surprisingly, they often use the I2C protocol to transfer data. Today, we show you how to use a Yocto-I2C to interface this type of camera.

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Driving a DC motor with a RC motor controller

By mvuilleu, in DIY, january 13,2023.

You may have noticed that we have removed the Yocto-Motor-DC from our assortment. Some components were no longer available, and since we sold very few of them, replacing them with an exactly equivalent module was not justified. But as we will show you below, this does not mean that you can no longer drive a DC motor with Yoctopuce modules.

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.