How to get started in LabVIEW with Yoctopuce modules

How to get started in LabVIEW with Yoctopuce modules

This week, we provide you with a short tutorial explaining the basis of the use of Yoctopuce modules into LabVIEW. We limit ourselves to a very simple application: turning on and off a light depending on the ambient light level.


We are going to use a Yocto-Light-V3 and a lamp controlled by a Yocto-PowerRelay-V3 which is itself driven through Wifi thanks to a YoctoHub-Wireless-SR. Remember, a few months ago, we built small boxes which do exactly that. The light sensor is directly connected by USB to the computer running the application.

Basic outline
Basic outline

For the code to be easier to understand, we gave the logical name AmbientLight to the light sensor, and LampControl to the relay. You can use the VirtualHub application to assign a logical name to any Yoctopuce function.


You'll need the Yoctopuce library for LabVIEW, which you can download from our library page. It's a large ZIP file that you can unzip wherever you want. The archive contains a directory for each LabVIEW version. In each of these directories, there is a VI called Open it with LabVIEW to install the library. If you want to know what this installer does exactly, you can find the details in this post. When the installation is done, you can find the Yoctopuce library in the "function/addons/Yoctopuce" menu.

The Yoctopuce library for LabVIEW
The Yoctopuce library for LabVIEW

The software

User interface

The most important part of the interface is a slider which allows the user to define the threshold below which the lamp must be turned on. We added a few indicators to signal:

  • if the light sensor is present (online)
  • if the relay is present (online)
  • the value of the sensor
  • the state of the relay, that is whether the lamp is on or off

The user interface
The user interface


The first step is to initialize the Yoctopuce API by signaling that we want to use a local USB connection and a network connection. To do so, we use the YRegisterHub twice: once with the "usb" parameter and the second time with the IP address of our YoctoHub-Wireless-SR, that is

Initialization of the code
Initialization of the code

Note that if the call to YRegisterHub fails, the success output is set to false and the reason of the problem is contained in the error msg output. The most common error message is "Another process is already using yAPI". Indeed, there can be only one application at a time which uses the Yoctopuce modules directly by USB. You can find more information on the ins and outs of this technical limitation in this post.

Reading the sensor

Reading the light sensor is performed simply with the YLightSensor VI to which we give as parameter the logical name of the sensor, that is "AmbientLight". We obtain as output the state of the sensor and its value.

Querying the light sensor
Querying the light sensor

Computing the state of the relay

Rather that changing the state of the lamp as soon as the value of the light sensor crosses the threshold, we use a Schmitt trigger. This prevents the lamp control from oscillating when the ambient light oscillates around the threshold. We selected a +/- 5% margin for the Schmitt trigger.

Computing the state of the relay with a Schmitt trigger
Computing the state of the relay with a Schmitt trigger

Driving the relay

To drive the relay, we use the "YRelay" VI to which we give as parameter the logical name of the relay and the relay state that we just computed.

Driving the relay
Driving the relay

We retrieve the output of the relay and we use it to display the state of the lamp in the interface. We then only need to put the code in a loop and to add a small detail...

Freeing the API

When an application ends, it is indispensable to free the Yoctopuce API with the YFreeAPI VI. If you forget to do so, you risk to find yourselves with a blocked Yoctopuce API as long as you haven't quit LabVIEW.

The complete code
The complete code

Small comment

You may have noticed that the control loop is not temporized. This is not recommended from the LabVIEW standpoint, because this monopolizes more CPU resources than required. But this ins't an issue for the Yoctopuce API as it was optimized to communicate with the Yoctopuce modules only when necessary.


This small program uses only a few VIs, but the other VIs of the Yoctopuce library for LabVIEW work in the same way. If you have understood how this program works, you shouldn't have any trouble writing your own.

1 - kili Wednesday,october 12,2022 13H10

On the development machine, this works fine. Nice repository; thank you Yoctopuce team!
Unfortunetaly, after deploying my application to the destination machine, when running my program, I get the error "Yoctopuce API init failed. Unable to load yapi.dll"
What should I do?

2 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Wednesday,october 12,2022 13H27

@kili, read this article :


3 - kili Tuesday,april 25,2023 7H40

Thank you for your help with creating the App Build correctly. Very clear and concise manual.

Now the next problem: The "Free API" node does not finish execution every fifth time or so (Windows 10). This causes LabView to get stuck in execution. To be able to work again on my project, I need to force-quit LabView via Task Manager.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this a known issue?

4 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Tuesday,april 25,2023 8H19

@kili: We never encountered this issue, and no one reported it so far. Note however that brutally stopping a code containing Yoctopuce VI before it had a chance to go through a freeAPI VI may, in some occasions, cause problems to subsequent executions. Just contact Yoctopuce support directly to sort this out.

Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.