


Your own USB weather station: the Yocto-Meteo device will let you measure via USB the current humidity, pressure, and temperature, as well as record the pressure, ambient temperature and humidity on its internal flash for later retrieval when connected again by USB (built-in data logger). This product is ideal to build your own DIY weather station, and to monitor the weather conditions in your garden.

This meter circuit has been designed so that the sensor itself can be moved further away from the USB connector by a few meters: simply split the board into two parts and solder a 4-wire cable on the designated pads.

Note: earlier versions of this product were less accurate; for details, refer to the manual.

This device can be connected directly to an Ethernet network using a YoctoHub-Ethernet, to a WiFi network using a YoctoHub-Wireless-n and to a GSM network using a YoctoHub-GSM.

Yocto-Meteo Yocto-Meteo Yocto-Meteo

USB cables and enclosures to be ordered separately.

This product is not available anymore. It has been replaced by the Yocto-Meteo-V2


Product name:Yocto-Meteo
Replacement product:Yocto-Meteo-V2
USB connector:micro-B
Sensor:SHT25 (Sensirion), MPL3115A2 (Freescale)
Refresh rate:1Hz
Measuring range (H):0..100%
Measuring range (P):200..1100mbar
Measuring range (T):-40..125°C
Accuracy (H):1.8%
Accuracy (P rel):1mbar
Accuracy (T):0.2°C
Protection class, according to IEC 61140:class III
Normal operating temperature:5...40°C
Extended operating temperature1:-30...85°C
Supported Operating Systems:Windows (PC + IoT), Linux (Intel + ARM), macOS, Android
Drivers:Driverless, no driver needed
API / SDK / Libraries:C++ Obj-C C# VB.NET UWP Delphi Python Java Android LabVIEW
API / SDK / Libraries (TCP only):Javascript Node.js PHP
RoHS compliance:RoHS III (2011/65/UE+2015/863)
Suggested enclosure:YoctoBox-Long-Thin-Black-Vents
Harmonized tariff code:9032.9000
Cables and enclosures:available separately
Made in:Switzerland

1 The extended temperature range is defined based on components specifications and has been tested during a limited duration (1h). When using the device in harsh environments for a long period of time, we strongly advise to run extensive tests before going to production.

Accessories and related products

YoctoBox-Long-Thin-Black-Vents, Enclosure for Yoctopuce device (long, thin, black, vents)Micro-USB-Hub-V2, Micro USB hub (multi-TT) with solder pads, for DIY useFix-2.5mm, screws and spacersUSB-A-MicroB-50, USB 2.0 type A to Micro-B data cable, 50 cmPicoflex-U25, Picoflex Cable, U shape, 25cm

Related articles and application examples


User manual (HTML)
User manual (PDF)
3D file (STEP)
RoHS certificate
Most recent firmware51180 (09/30/2022)
Programming libraries64286 (01/20/2025)
Command line API64286 (01/20/2025)
VirtualHub application63516 (11/29/2024)

Add a comment 32 comments

1 - alex_mass Monday,february 06,2012 12H26

C'est pas dommage qu'il n'y ait pas une entrée pour une éolienne vitesse/direction?

2 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Tuesday,february 07,2012 7H38

C'est trop dépendant du modèle d'éolienne utilisé. Par contre il n'est pas exclu que l'on fasse un jour un module compte-tours, à charge de l'utilisateur de l'adapter à son éolienne.

3 - odp_12 Sunday,august 12,2012 16H50

I'm on the market for a server room monitoring system and I came across your website.
I think your products are great, but since I have no experience in programming, I would like to know if there's any commercial application for os x or iOS based on your hardware.
Thank you.

4 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Monday,august 13,2012 6H54


We are not aware of any publicly available OS X/iOS commercial application using our modules. However our libraries are provided with a few useful pre-compiled examples. If you have specific needs, just send a mail to Yoctopuce support, our software department might be able to help.

5 - yoda Saturday,september 08,2012 11H42


i just find your fantastic products and have questions.
Can i connect this weather station with yoctohub-ethernet (and how much max. length of UTP cable can be)?
And is there template of weather station for cacti monitoring system? if not, can your application export automatic in txt file results (to grab for cacti)?

Thank you for answers!

6 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Sunday,september 09,2012 7H09


Hi, Yes the Yocto-Meteo will be compatible with the Yoctohub-Ethernet, the maximum cable length should be standard (around 100m for a CAT 5 cable).

Regarding Cacti monitoring system, tunneling data from the Yocto-Meteo to Cacti should be a formality: Cacti provides PHP based data gathering scripts, and our devices can be driven with PHP. This even looks looks like a good subject for a post in our blog, stay tuned :-)

7 - yoda Monday,september 10,2012 8H54

thank you for answer martinm.
and last question, can yoctohub-ethernet get power for himself and yocto-meteo over POE (if yes, what is the voltage)?

Thank you!

8 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Monday,september 10,2012 9H20


Yes, the Yoctohub-Ethernet will support POE and will be able to power the Yocto-devices connected to it, Yocto-Meteo included. All our devices require 5 volts to work when powered directly from USB socket. The POE input will follow IEEE802.3af and accept from 37V to 55V (either in mode A or mode B).

9 - edward_valarm Friday,december 28,2012 22H26


We don't know of an Apple application for server room monitoring, however Valarm provides an Android ( often cheaper devices than Apple! ) solution for server room monitoring. With Valarm you can connect an economical device to the Yocto-Temperature and get SMS and/or email alerts when the temperature goes out of a specified range. Valarm ( the Versatile Asset Locator And Remote Monitor ) has also implemented other functionalities ( such as asset & fleet tracking ) and is adding more and more support for various sensors. See http://www.valarm.net for full details.

The Valarm app is available directly at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.valarm.android.pro

If you have any other comments or questions don't hesitate to ask!


10 - chrigui Wednesday,january 09,2013 10H54


can i connect a Bluetooth module to the Meteo device to transfer realtime data to a phone, tablet or desktop computer ?

if yes, any specific bt module ?

T. Chrigui

11 - lino Thursday,january 17,2013 16H46


how much current does this module draw when logging, and how tight is the 5V specification?
Would it be feasible to power this for logging purposes from a 4x1.5V household battery pack?

Thanks, lino

12 - mvuilleu (Yocto-Team)Thursday,january 17,2013 17H05


I haver never heard of an USB-over-bluetooth adapter. USB-over-WiFi exists and works however.


The CPU and sensors for the Yocto-Meteo are all behind 3.3V regulator, so as long as input voltage is above 3.6V you should have no problem. The module uses approx 25mA, so if you use 2500mAh batteries, you can hope to run for around 4 days. But we have never tried it :-)

13 - lino Friday,february 01,2013 1H07

@mvuilleu Ah, that's too much current draw for long-term logging on batteries... I could use a USB power supply, but need to preserve the timestamps through short power cuts, and while the USB cable is changed over. Hmmm, perhaps a supercap could be added?

14 - mvuilleu (Yocto-Team)Friday,february 01,2013 12H10

@lino There is still hope: we work on a new USB timer device that will let you automatically power on and off a device (or low-power computer) based on a schedule. That timer will be able to run from batteries, consuming almost no current at all while sleeping.

15 - lino Sunday,february 10,2013 11H38

I don't think that would fit my use case.... I do have mains power at the typical logging locations, the issue is that I need the time stamps to be correct. A supercap could bridge short power interruptions, and also the time it takes to change over the USB cable from laptop/smartphone (reading out data on a maintenance visit) to a power supply. (For the latter I could also use a powered USB hub or a Y-cable, but I want to make things as idiot-proof as possible out in the field.)

16 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Sunday,february 10,2013 12H36

@lino: if you need at least 300 Yocto-meteo able a keep time when unplugged, just contact support, we could probably build customized versions.

17 - tobiasv Friday,july 12,2013 13H08

Is there a way this could be powered by a solar power cell?
I'd love to see wireless communication as well..

In other words I want a virtually permanent continuous logging weather station. :)

18 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Friday,july 12,2013 13H19

@tobiasv: actually we are working on a Wifi version of the Yocto-Meteo. We are also working on a Wifi Hub for our devices (see: www.yoctopuce.com/EN/products/vaporware/yoctohub-wireless). These will have an electic consumption small enough to be battery / solar powered.

19 - clickndeploy Tuesday,february 28,2017 9H51

Hi, can the meteo be used to detect water leak as part of a DC environmental monitoring? If yes, then how does it avoid itself being disabled by the water itself? Or is there is there a wire probe? Thanks.

20 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Tuesday,february 28,2017 10H25

@clickndeploy: The Yocto-Meteo is meant to measure humitity in the air, not liquid water.

21 - lmha Tuesday,july 04,2017 16H03

Hello. I've just found out your products and I'm really interested on it. I have one doubt, though: are these modules CE certified?

Best regards

22 - mvuilleu (Yocto-Team)Tuesday,july 04,2017 20H06

@lmha As of today, we can sell our products without CE mark since we are not in EU, but we are in the process of creating all documentation necessary to certify them anyway. Products like the Yocto-Meteo have already been verified to be compliant with requirements (see http://www.yoctopuce.com/EN/article/electromagnetic-compatibility-tests ). Don't hesitate to contact support by mail if you want more details on where we stand for CE compatibility for specific products.

23 - tetaran Friday,november 03,2017 22H29

I have three of your "meteo" and they work great! However our university research team is working on a project that might use your station but ... some modifications might be required. How can I contact you to discuss possible options?
Thank you

24 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Saturday,november 04,2017 5H59

@tetaran: sure we can make customized version of any of our products. First read this post:


Then contact yoctopuce support.

25 - doug ex Thursday,january 25,2018 21H26


I'm after some clarification on the extended operating temperatures. Is the device likely to withstand cycling through temperatures from -5 to 80deg for approximately 10hrs? Would this be possible in conjunction with varying humidity from 0 to 100%?

Thank you

26 - mvuilleu (Yocto-Team)Friday,january 26,2018 18H00

@doug Sorry for the lack of explanation in the documentation, we are right now in the process of updating all docs with more details on this topic. The extended operating temperature range has been determined based on components manufacturer recommendations, and on controlled environment tests performed during a limited duration (1h). In your case, the only problem I foresee is in case you produce condensing humidity, which could cause electric shortcuts. You should get an SF2 filter cap to put on the SHT25 sensor to help with that one, but you may have to spray some conformal coating on the electronics (or use epoxy).

Regarding the precision, have a look at the datasheet of the SHT25 to see the cross-impact of extreme temperature and humidity on each other: https://www.sensirion.com/fileadmin/user_upload/customers/sensirion/Dokumente/2_Humidity_Sensors/Sensirion_Humidity_Sensors_SHT25_Datasheet.pdf

27 - alessandra Thursday,april 12,2018 15H46

I'm using one of your Yocto-Meteo to measure ambient temperature, pressure and humidity. I was wondering if there is any way to "calibrate it" or if you could provide any calibration certificate if I buy a new Yocto.


28 - mvuilleu (Yocto-Team)Thursday,april 12,2018 23H17

@alessandra: The SHT25 sensor is factory-calibrated by Sensirion, so normally there should be no calibration needed. If you contact support by mail, we can give you the SHT25 datasheet with more information regarding the precision.
For the best precision, make sure however to position the device as recommended in the documentation, as an improper position can let the warmth generated by the electronics add a few tenths of degrees to the measurements.

29 - alessandra Tuesday,april 17,2018 14H37

Thank you mvuilleu
My question was related to the fact that for my application I need to have traceable measurements for each instrument I use. So I need to have each device calibrated, with a document specifying when the calibration was performed, over which range, with what results, etc.
So I was wondering if there is any way to obtain such certificate with the Yocto, either on a new purchase or sending the sensor back to you for a calibration.


30 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Tuesday,april 17,2018 16H42

@Alessandra: Actually a partner of ours is a metrology institute and can issue that kind of certificate. Don't expect it to be cheap though. Contact Yoctopuce support for more details.

31 - Øivind Boge Sunday,may 20,2018 13H52

Wonderful API you have developed, and good documentation.

32 - martinm (Yocto-Team)Tuesday,may 22,2018 9H13

@Øivind Boge: Thanks :-)

Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.