A few years ago, we showed you how to integrate Yoctopuce sensors in a Grafana dashboard used with InfluxDB, which was a very common solution at the time. In the mean time, GrafanaLabs has set its sights on another time-series database, Prometheus, which offer many more possibilities to extract data than InfluxDB. We have therefore added to our modules the possibility to provide their data in a format directly recognized by Prometheus.
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When you must design a system that sends back measures through a GSM connection, there are two physical quantities that you want to estimate: que quantity of transferred data and the power consumption. We already had the opportunity to provide orders of magnitude for data consumption in a previous post, but we are going to see today how much power is needed to send back data periodically through a 3G or 4G GSM connection.
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We were recently asked details on the absolute accuracy of the Yocto-Thermocouple and on the temperature measures by thermocouple in general. As it's impossible to answer this question without detailed explanations, we wrote it into a post so that it can be useful to everybody. So, let's see which absolute accuracy one can reasonably expect from a thermocouple and then let's test with an experiment whether the theoretical value matches the real one...
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We have been asked several times whether we were going to manufacture a color sensor, also known as a RGB sensor. To be honest, the answer is: "we don't really know". You are about to understand why: this week, we are going to interface the TAOS TCS34725 color sensor with a Yocto-I2C.
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At Yoctopuce, we like to buy random sensors, just to check if we can make them work with Yoctopuce hardware. This week we chose the GY-US42V2 sold by Play-Zone.ch and referenced as a "SRF02".
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