Several customers recently asked us whether it was possible and/or necessary to periodically caliber the Yocto-CO2-V2 to ensure measure accuracy. For the most common applications, it's not indispensable, but for some applications it can become necessary, and therefore it's possible. Let's see that in details...
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The documentation of the Yocto-MaxiBridge and of the Yocto-Bridge recommend that you use wires as short as possible to connect the load cells to the interface module. But in some applications, for practical reasons, you simply can't use short wires. You can then use a six-wire cabling to connect the load cells and thus compensate the error introduced by the long wires. Let's see how...
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Some time ago, we played with Murata SCL3300 tilt sensor. During these tests, we were impressed enough by its accuracy to think that it was worth it to make it into a dedicated Yoctopuce module. Hence the Yocto-Inclinometer that we present today.
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Someone recently asked us how to interface an AMS TSL2591 ambient light sensor with the Yocto-I2C. It's an interesting question for two reasons: the TSL2591 is considerably more sensitive in low light than the Yocto-Light-V2 or the Yocto-Light-V3 and more particularly its I2C protocol is not the simplest to implement. It's an opportunity to test the limits of the Yocto-I2C autonomous job system.
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Everyone knows that any measurement tends to disturb the physical quantity we are trying to measure. This issue is particularly blatant when you try to measure the temperature with a USB sensor. Some sensor types affect the temperature more than others, but there are ways to limit the problem. Let's look at this in more details...
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