While surfing on the Internet, we found a nice little sensor: an optical rangefinder built by Sharp. Robotic specialists know it well, it's the most well known sensor to detect obstacles. In our selection of products, we currently don't offer a rangefinder sensor (telemeter). As an example, we are going to show you today how you could interface analog sensors of this type thanks to a Yoctopuce module.
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When we geek try to cook a nice chunk of meat, the tricky part is the cooking itself. Instead of sitting idle while the meat cooks, we go read something on the iPad, code some stuff or even to talk with the guests rather than watching a meat in the oven. And at the end, the meat is often overcooked. But this is gonna change. Our new recipe, using a Yocto-Thermocouple and Raspberry Pi, solves the issue. The Raspberry Pi will monitor the meat temperature for us, and send an e-mail as soon as the ideal temperature is reached. And long life to the smartphones !
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All of our USB sensor modules perform their measurement with the help of digital sensor chips, which are factory calibrated. It's our recipe to guaranty the announced precision of our modules, even when the sensors are moved away. However, we have recently introduced in all our sensor modules an additional adjustment function, allowing your to perform a correction to the measures on the fly. So, what's the need to correct a measure if it is already good? Doesn't this recalibration risk to reduce the measure precision rather than to enhance it?
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When you build an electrical circuit requiring some power, for instance in a remote controlled scale model, it is essential to correctly size the wires and the battery. If the wires are too thin, they transform themselves into an electrical heater; worse, if a LiPo battery is undersized, it can transform itself into an incendiary bomb... The problem is that power consumption can be measured only in real life circumstances, when the motor (or any other consumer) is really working. Thus, it becomes interesting to use a small embedded ammeter from which you can read the measures later by USB. This is the perfect opportunity to present the Yocto-Amp, our new product.
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Don't you have at home one or two appliances that you just wish you could keep an eye on remotely? Cheer up! We are presenting today a simple, economical, and efficient way to solve this issue. For about 30 EUR, you will finally be able to take these appliances out of the dark...
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