
Google Calendar on your Yocto-MaxiDisplay

By Sébastien Rinsoz, in Internet of Things and Programming, october 31,2014.

Some time ago, we found a post where someone had built a device showing his schedule on his office door using Google Calendar. We liked the idea and, this week, we are going to show you how to display your appointments of the day on your fridge door using a Yocto-MaxiDisplay and a YoctoHub-Wireless-SR.

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About RegisterHub

By martinm, in Programming, october 24,2014.

If you ever wrote the tiniest bit of code to manage Yoctopuce modules, you know the RegisterHub function. But do you really know all of its features? As years went by, this function benefited from additional features without anyone taking care to describe them in details. So, let's see how to use this function...

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LabVIEW and Yoctopuce sensors

By mvuilleu, in New stuff, Programming and Measures, october 17,2014.

Week after week, more LabVIEW users discover our sensors and ask us if we will consider creating a full LabVIEW library for our devices. For now the only option was to write your own VI to invoke our command line library, which is neither very convenient nor very efficient. Therefore, we have decided to build a better solution, and we even have something for you to try. At this stage this is only a "proof of concept", but we are waiting for your feedback and your LabVIEW experience to make the final version of this new library as good as you would like it to be!

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Polling vs. Callback

By martinm, in Programming, september 26,2014.

The Yoctopuce API provides several ways to communicate with Yoctopuce modules: polling, value change callbacks, and periodic callbacks. We mentioned them all from time to time in this blog, but we never took time, until now, to present in details these different techniques. So let's have look :-)

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An Excel RTD Server for Yoctopuce sensors

By mvuilleu, in Measures and Programming, august 29,2014.

Almost two years ago, we showed you how to access Yoctopuce devices from Excel by creating your own Excel add-in using Excel-DNA. Today we are going to show something simpler and even better: read any Yoctopuce sensor from Excel, with instant live refresh, without even recompiling a single line of code...

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Yoctopuce, get your stuff connected.